Transactional Middleware
When using the transactional middleware with Marten, Wolverine is assuming that there will be a single, atomic transaction for the entire message handler. Because of the integration with Wolverine's outbox and the Marten IDocumentSession
, it is very strongly recommended that you do not call IDocumentSession.SaveChangesAsync()
yourself as that may result in unexpected behavior in terms of outgoing messages.
You will need to make the IServiceCollection.AddMarten(...).IntegrateWithWolverine()
call to add this middleware to a Wolverine application.
It is no longer necessary to mark a handler method with [Transactional]
if you choose to use the AutoApplyTransactions()
option as shown below:
using var host = await Host.CreateDefaultBuilder()
.UseWolverine(opts =>
opts.Services.AddMarten("some connection string")
// Opt into using "auto" transaction middleware
With this enabled, Wolverine will automatically use the Marten transactional middleware for handlers that have a dependency on IDocumentSession
(meaning the method takes in IDocumentSession
or has some dependency that itself depends on IDocumentSession
) as long as the IntegrateWithWolverine()
call was used in application bootstrapping.
In the previous section we saw an example of incorporating Wolverine's outbox with Marten transactions. We also wrote a fair amount of code to do so that could easily feel repetitive over time. Using Wolverine's transactional middleware support for Marten, the long hand handler above can become this equivalent:
// Note that we're able to avoid doing any kind of asynchronous
// code in this handler
public static OrderCreated Handle(CreateOrder command, IDocumentSession session)
var order = new Order
Description = command.Description
// Register the new document with Marten
// Utilizing Wolverine's "cascading messages" functionality
// to have this message sent through Wolverine
return new OrderCreated(order.Id);
Or if you need to take more control over how the outgoing OrderCreated
message is sent, you can use this slightly different alternative:
public static ValueTask Handle(
CreateOrder command,
IDocumentSession session,
IMessageBus bus)
var order = new Order
Description = command.Description
// Register the new document with Marten
// Utilizing Wolverine's "cascading messages" functionality
// to have this message sent through Wolverine
return bus.SendAsync(
new OrderCreated(order.Id),
new DeliveryOptions { DeliverWithin = 5.Minutes() });
In both cases Wolverine's transactional middleware for Marten is taking care of registering the Marten session with Wolverine's outbox before you call into the message handler, and also calling Marten's IDocumentSession.SaveChangesAsync()
afterward. Used judiciously, this might allow you to avoid more messy or noisy asynchronous code in your application handler code.
This [Transactional] attribute can appear on either the handler class that will apply to all the actions on that class, or on a specific action method.
If so desired, you can also use a policy to apply the Marten transaction semantics with a policy. As an example, let's say that you want every message handler where the message type name ends with "Command" to use the Marten transaction middleware. You could accomplish that with a handler policy like this:
public class CommandsAreTransactional : IHandlerPolicy
public void Apply(IReadOnlyList<HandlerChain> chains, GenerationRules rules, IServiceContainer container)
// Important! Create a brand new TransactionalFrame
// for each chain
.Where(chain => chain.MessageType.Name.EndsWith("Command"))
.Each(chain => chain.Middleware.Add(new CreateDocumentSessionFrame(chain)));
Then add the policy to your application like this:
using var host = await Host.CreateDefaultBuilder()
.UseWolverine(opts =>
// And actually use the policy