Managing Message Storage
Wolverine will automatically check for the existence of necessary database tables and functions to support the configured message storage, and will also apply any necessary database changes to comply with the configuration automatically.
Wolverine uses the Oakton "Stateful Resource" model for managing infrastructure configuration at development or even deployment time for configured items like the database-backed message storage or message broker queues.
Disable Automatic Storage Migration
To disable the automatic storage migration, just flip this flag:
using var host = await Host.CreateDefaultBuilder()
.UseWolverine(opts =>
// Disable automatic database migrations for message
// storage
opts.AutoBuildMessageStorageOnStartup = false;
Programmatic Management
Especially in automated tests, you may want to programmatically rebuild or clear out all persisted messages. Here's a sample of the functionality in Wolverine to do just that:
// IHost would be your application in a testing harness
public static async Task testing_setup_or_teardown(IHost host)
// Programmatically apply any outstanding message store
// database changes
await host.SetupResources();
// Teardown the database message storage
await host.TeardownResources();
// Clear out any database message storage
// also tries to clear out any messages held
// by message brokers connected to your Wolverine app
await host.ResetResourceState();
var store = host.Services.GetRequiredService<IMessageStore>();
// Rebuild the database schema objects
// and delete existing message data
// This is good for testing
await store.Admin.RebuildAsync();
// Remove all persisted messages
await store.Admin.ClearAllAsync();
Building Storage on Startup
To have any missing database schema objects built as needed on application startup, just add this option:
// This is rebuilding the persistent storage database schema on startup
Command Line Management
Assuming that you are using Oakton as your command line parser in your Wolverine application as shown in this last line of a .NET 6/7 Program
code file:
// Opt into using Oakton for command parsing
await app.RunOaktonCommands(args);
And you're using the message persistence from either the WolverineFx.SqlServer
or WolverineFx.Postgresql
or WolverineFx.Marten
Nugets installed in your application, you will have some extended command line options that you can discover from typing dotnet run -- help
at the command line at the root of your project:
The available commands are:
Alias Description
check-env Execute all environment checks against the application
codegen Utilities for working with JasperFx.CodeGeneration and JasperFx.RuntimeCompiler
db-apply Applies all outstanding changes to the database(s) based on the current configuration
db-assert Assert that the existing database(s) matches the current configuration
db-dump Dumps the entire DDL for the configured Marten database
db-patch Evaluates the current configuration against the database and writes a patch and drop file if there are
any differences
describe Writes out a description of your running application to either the console or a file
help List all the available commands
resources Check, setup, or teardown stateful resources of this system
run Start and run this .Net application
storage Administer the envelope storage
There's admittedly some duplication here with different options coming from Oakton itself, the Weasel.CommandLine library, and the storage
command from Wolverine itself. To build out the schema objects for message persistence, you can use this command to apply any outstanding database changes necessary to bring the database schema to the Wolverine configuration:
dotnet run -- db-apply
or this option -- but just know that this will also clear out any existing message data:
dotnet run -- storage rebuild
or this option which will also attempt to create Marten database objects or any known Wolverine transport objects like Rabbit MQ / Azure Service Bus / AWS SQS queues:
dotnet run -- resources setup
Clearing Node Ownership
Don't use this option in production if any nodes are currently running
If you ever have a node crash and need to force any persisted, incoming or outgoing messages to be picked up by another node (this should be automatic anyway, but locks might persist and Wolverine might take a bit to recognize that a node has crashed), you can release the ownership of messages of all persisted nodes by:
dotnet run -- storage release
Deleting Message Data
At any time you can clear out any existing persisted message data with:
dotnet run -- storage clear
Exporting SQL Scripts
If you just want to export the SQL to create the necessary database objects, you can use:
dotnet run -- db-dump export.sql
where export.sql
should be a file name.
Disabling All Persistence 3.6
Let's say that you want to use the command line tooling to generate OpenAPI documentation, but do so without Wolverine being able to connect to any external databases (or transports, and you'll have to disable both for this to work). You can now do that with the option shown below as part of an Alba test:
using var host = await AlbaHost.For<Program>(builder =>
builder.ConfigureServices(services =>
// You probably have to do both