Troubleshooting and Leadership Election
The main reason to care about this topic is to be able to troubleshoot why messages left stranded by a failed node are not being recovered in a timely manner
For some technical background, the Wolverine transactional inbox today works through a process of leadership election, where only one node at any one time is the leader. The recovery of messages from dormant nodes that shut down somehow before they could finish sending their outgoing or processing all their incoming messages is done through a persistent background agent assigned to one node by the leader node.
Long story short, if the message recovery isn't happening very quickly, it's likely some kind of issue with the leadership election failing to start or to fail over from the previous leader dropping off.
There is no harm in deleting rows from this table. It is strictly a log
As of Wolverine 1.10, there is a table in the PostgreSQL or Sql Server backed message storage called wolverine_node_records
that just has a record of detected events relevant to the leader election. All of this information is also logged through the standard .Net ILogger
, but it might be easier to understand the data in this table.
Next, check the wolverine_nodes
and wolverine_node_assignments
to see where Wolverine thinks all of the running agents are across the active nodes. The actual leadership agent is wolverine://leader
, and you can spot the current leader by the matching row in the wolverine_node_assignments
table that refers to the "leader" agent.
If you are frequently stopping and starting a local process -- especially if you are doing that through a debugger -- you may want to utilize the Solo
durability mode explained below:
Solo Mode
Let's say that you're working on an individual development machine and frequently stopping and starting the application. You'd ideally like the transactional inbox and outbox processing to kick in fast, but that subsystem has some known hiccups recovering from exactly the kind of ungraceful process shutdown that happens when developers suddenly kill off the application running in a debugger.
To alleviate the issues that developers have had in the past with this mode, Wolverine 1.10 introduced the "Solo" mode where the system can be optimized to run as if there's never more than one running node: ..
var builder = Host.CreateApplicationBuilder();
builder.UseWolverine(opts =>
opts.Services.AddMarten("some connection string")
// This adds quite a bit of middleware for
// Marten
// You want this maybe!
if (builder.Environment.IsDevelopment())
// But wait! Optimize Wolverine for usage as
// if there would never be more than one node running
opts.Durability.Mode = DurabilityMode.Solo;
using var host = builder.Build();
await host.StartAsync();
Running your Wolverine application like this means that Wolverine is able to more quickly start the transactional inbox and outbox at start up time, and also to immediately recover any persisted incoming or outgoing messages from the previous execution of the service on your local development box.
Metrics 3.6
These metrics can be used to understand when a Wolverine system is distressed when these numbers grow larger
Wolverine emits observable gauge metrics for the size of the persisted inbox, outbox, and scheduled message counts:
- number of persisted,Incoming
envelopes in the durable inboxwolverine-outbox-count
- number of persisted,Outgoing
envelopes in the durable outboxwolverine-scheduled-count
- number of persisted,Scheduled
envelopes in the durable inbox
In all cases, if you are using some sort of multi-tenancy where envelopes are stored in separate databsases per tenant, the metric names above will be suffixed with ".[database name]".
You can disable or modify the polling of these metrics by these settings:
using var host = await Host.CreateDefaultBuilder()
.UseWolverine(opts =>
// This does assume that you have *some* kind of message
// persistence set up
// This is enabled by default, but just showing that
// you *could* disable it
opts.Durability.DurabilityMetricsEnabled = true;
// The default is 5 seconds, but maybe you want it slower
// because this does have to do a non-trivial query
opts.Durability.UpdateMetricsPeriod = 10.Seconds();